We’re all familiar with the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions every year. But why not make this year different and focus on making an impact beyond your own life? You can make an impact by helping a charity, taking care of the environment, and more. Here’s how you can make a difference in 2023.
1. Reduce the use of plastics

The use of plastic has had major environmental impacts over the past few decades. It is estimated that nearly 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. Out of this, 8 million tons of plastic water bottles end up in our oceans.
So this year, resolve to reduce your own individual plastic consumption. Start by bringing your own bag to the grocery store instead of relying on single-use plastic bags. You can also choose to use reusable straws or even go without them completely! And if you’re taking food home from restaurants, bring your own containers instead of using disposable ones.
2. Recycle everything you can
When it comes to taking care of the environment, recycling plays an important role. Recycling helps us reduce waste and prevents resources from going into landfills where they will take hundreds or even thousands of years to decompose.
This 2023, commit to recycling all paper, plastic, metal, and glass products whenever possible! If you’re unsure about what materials can be recycled in your area, do some research so that you’re informed when it comes time to throw something away.
3. Educate yourself on how to reduce your carbon footprint
It’s high time to take the first step in understanding how to reduce your carbon footprint. This is the year to start driving less, consuming less electricity by turning off electronics when not in use, and planting a garden with food scraps as fertilizer. Driving fewer means taking public transportation or walking if you can – it also has the added benefit of saving money. Turning off electronics like computers and TVs when not in use will save energy and help reduce electricity costs. Planting a garden can bring more life into your home while providing fresh fruits and vegetables for family meals – plus it reduces lawn waste!
4. Advocate for environmental causes

Another way to make an impact is by advocating for environmental causes. There are many organizations around Europe that are actively working towards protecting our planet – all they need is volunteers who are willing to get involved!
Research local organizations that support green initiatives such as tree planting projects or clean-up initiatives, then reach out to them with offers of assistance. By volunteering your time and effort, you’ll be making a real difference while getting some fresh air outdoors too!
5. Spread awareness about climate change and ways we can all help combat it
The environment has been suffering for too long now due to climate change, and it’s our responsibility as citizens of this world to do something about it. One way we can help is by spreading awareness about climate change and ways we can all help combat it.
More than just encouraging people to switch to a reusable water bottle, you can share informative articles, videos, or podcasts on social media, join conversations with others online who are discussing the issue or start conversations yourself. Educate yourself on the topic and share what you’ve learned with others so everyone can be more informed about what’s going on in our world.
Here’s a tip on how to make people listen to you: focus on how being more sustainable leads to helping them save money. People will be more likely to try your suggestions if they directly benefit them. For instance, you can convince them to save water by installing flow restrictors or use less energy by setting their air conditioning to certain thermostat levels because these can lower their bills and ultimately contribute to saving the environment.
6. Proper waste disposal for a clean environment
Another great resolution for 2023 would be proper waste disposal for a clean environment. This means disposing of trash in designated areas rather than throwing it away into nature – such as oceans, rivers, or forests – where it can greatly harm wildlife habitats and ecosystems.
There are many organizations working towards the goal of reducing waste pollution and helping create cleaner environments; you could volunteer with one such organization in order to help out with their cause. Additionally, if you’re able to do so, you could donate money or materials which could be used for projects related to cleaning up the environment and creating healthier living spaces for people around the world.
7. Swap out everyday items for eco-friendly alternatives

You don’t have to volunteer or donate in order to make an impact on the environment—you can start small by simply replacing everyday items with eco-friendly alternatives. This could mean switching out plastic bottles for recyclable ones, using reusable bags instead of plastic bags when shopping, or investing in energy-efficient light bulbs for your home. Even small changes such as these can have a big impact on reducing your carbon footprint and helping save our planet from further damage.
8. Make shopping choices based on ethical practices
It’s easy for us to buy products without thinking about where they come from or who made them—but we should be more mindful of what we’re purchasing and supporting. To make sure your purchases are going towards ethical companies, do some research before buying anything. Check out websites and forums which provide ratings of different brands based on their environmental practices and labor standards so you know exactly where your money is going when you shop.
9. Be mindful of what you buy and eat
Every purchase we make has an impact on the environment whether we realize it or not. The way food is grown, transported, packaged, and disposed of all create greenhouse gas emissions that contribute significantly to global warming and climate change.
Try switching to local food sources whenever possible since these can be grown without using excessive amounts of pesticides and fertilizers which harm wildlife habitats and water sources alike. Similarly, look into buying secondhand items whenever possible since this reduces waste created from manufacturing new items as well as decreases demand for certain products like fast fashion apparel which relies heavily on unethical labor practices.
10. Grow your own food
Growing your own food is another great way to reduce your environmental impact while helping out a charity at the same time. There are plenty of organizations that provide resources and advice on how you can start growing your own food at home; if you need help getting started, look no further than these helpful resources! Plus, there are plenty of charities dedicated to providing access to fresh produce for those in need—so by growing your own food, you could be directly contributing to these efforts as well!
11. Support eco-friendly campaigns that are working to make a difference with the help of Carbon/Neutral

One of the best ways to make an impact this year is by supporting eco-friendly charities that are working hard to make a difference in our world today. These charities often focus on issues such as preserving natural resources or protecting endangered species from extinction. Donating money or time (if possible) towards these causes is an excellent way to ensure that they continue their work long into the future!
So, what’s the best way to donate to charities while reducing your emissions? By joining Carbon/Neutral.
Carbon/Neutral lets you automatically offset your carbon footprint every month. Our carbon footprint calculator quickly assesses your categorized spending data to show you just how much your choices are impacting the earth’s climate. From there, you can choose to automatically donate to verified carbon-offsetting projects based on your monthly footprint.
Ready to make a positive environmental impact? Offsetting your remaining carbon emissions is an easy way to start! Join us on the Carbon/Neutral journey, where you and others can actively support projects that restore our planet’s natural balance.
Every individual has power when it comes to protecting the environment – let yours be felt with just one simple step!